Formula 1 - Exclusive - Bruno Senna : Brake Problems Interfered

Bruno Senna had to fight on Friday in Abu Dhabi with the brakes. The Brazilian was talking to press

Bruno Senna
Bruno Senna still has work to do
Satisfied with Friday in Abu Dhabi?
Bruno Senna: Well, we're competitive, close to the top ten on it and also just behind the usually something Faster. Nevertheless, for me it was not an easy day, I had brake problems throughout the training, could not, therefore, the car felt so right. But Pastor at it ran very good, and if we now today as overnight a little work and get off this brake problem, tomorrow we can have a competitive car in qualifying and then hopefully in the top ten

What was going on with the brakes?
Bruno Senna: The brake pedal was very soft, the brakes and overall not very consistent with every braking maneuver has the car behave differently. Since then you have no real confidence, you do not know what to expect. Thus, it is of course difficult to drive a really good round.

What about the tire wear?
Bruno Senna: The wear and abrasion in itself is not the problem here. But the thermal load on the tire is high. If you attack, the tires quickly too hot and then lose performance. The morning and then, especially in the race to get it right, will be a crucial factor. Since we have analyzed many telemetry data.

You have a new helmet design, because what's behind it?
Bruno Senna: That has nothing to do with the launch of the new "Gillette Fusion Proglide" in Brazil next week. By the end of the season I'm going to have now....
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